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FAB Photomarathon 2024
  • The Circus, Bath
    BA1 2ET
Open to all, FaB’s annu­al Pho­tomarathon invites par­tic­i­pants to explore Bath and unleash their cre­ativ­i­ty, in a day-long pho­tog­ra­phy ramble.

On Saturday 4th May, from 10am, anyone and everyone can join in with FaB's annual Photomarathon, as photographers (amateur and professional alike) descend on the streets of Bath to capture 20 images for 20 different themes.

We welcome all ages, skill levels and backgrounds. Photographs can be film or digital, and submitted as an individual or in a group. Submissions will be displayed during the two weeks of FaB's Festival (24th May-9th June).

Standard entry £8
Student/Unemployed £5
Free for those who really can't afford it
Cash on the day

Social Interaction
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