Toad's School of Driving in Cambridge

4.9/5 based on 634 reviews
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The legal standard to be met in order to pass the practical driving test is the ability to read a standard number plate at 20 meters or 66 feet with/without your spectacles....
Sue Papworth is the owner of TOAD's School of Driving and has a wealth of experience in teaching people to learn to drive a car or tow a trailer....
What are the real dangers of using a mobile telephone when driving; be that hands held, (which has been unlawful since December 2003) or hands free....
Why is it that so many drivers forget to use signals when approaching and leaving roundabouts?...
How long does my plastic driving licence card last for?...
With more than 300 reviews from delighted customers, Toad's Schools of Driving in Cambridge is guaranteed to put you on the road to success!
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