Cafes in Kettering

Find the best Cafes in Kettering as recommended by local Kettering people in thebestof Kettering's Cafes directory.
Cafes in Kettering
Cransley Hospice Shop
Cransley Hospice Cafe in Horsemarket, Kettering, a great local charity coffee shop supporting the hospice.
The T Room
Welcome to The T Room in Rothwell. We are a traditional café offering top quality homemade food in a friendly atmosphere. The T Room we always use locally sourced ingredients and make all our dishes in house.
Chloe M said
Great friendly service, hot and tasty food, would recommend to friends and family.
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Great friendly service, hot and tasty food, would recommend to friends and family.
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The Blitz Tea Rooms and Jazz Lounge
The Stag - a wedding venue in the country.
Kettering Park Hotel
The Wheatsheaf
Allen Ford
The Stag
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