Past party disasters ensure future for planners
14th September 2010
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We all love a good party, but do you enjoy organising one?

Whilst there are those who want to be hands on making sure that every balloon has been tied by their own fair hands and enjoy traipsing around cake shops, it seems from my experience it’s a lot of hassle.

After all, to make the average event more than average there are so many factors to perfect such as venue, music, food, accommodation. It is, even to the most enthusiastic amateur party planner, an awful lot of hard work to create the sought after ambience.

Myself, the only event I can think of where I have had to take a fairly active role is my own wedding, having avoided an 18th or 21st party.

Whilst my wife won’t thank me for saying this, whilst I did have a wonderful day, I have enjoyed other weddings more.  It’s nothing to do with how the day went or my good lady, but simply I didn’t like the pressure that goes with arranging an event of this magnitude.

I know from my wife’s recollection of the day she too did not welcome the analysis of her judgements.

We were fortunate. The mix of the day considering the diversity of the people was just right, with compliments galore.  However, we are honest to admit it was as much luck as judgement.

I believe our own findings have shown why so many people, whether in family life or corporate culture now leave nothing to chance, opting for professional party planners.  After all if you have a gala ball or a Golden Wedding bash surely it makes sense to let someone who knows what they are doing arrange it? After all if you mess up then there is no second chance.

We’ve all been to some awful parties and those memories do stay with you and you can’t help but associate those horror events with the person that’s arranged them.

There was one event I recall where the buffet was woefully inadequate and the DJ had a particular like for blasting out Frank Sinatra at 1000 decibels, leading to a Kentucky Fried Chicken near the venue having a particularly good night and neighbours having a sleepless one.

When I think of that 25th wedding anniversary for friends of my parents, for many moons afterwards my Mum used to say frequently whenever the couple’s name was mentioned: “Do you remember how everyone was half starved at their party and the music was deafening?”

We never forget.

Therefore if you want to make sure the party is swinging then I suggest Verve Promotions. Being used to arranging corporate and private parties they are both a safe pair of hands and guaranteed to maximise the potential of what you wish to portray through your event. With excellent testimonials too they can be trusted ensuring full bellies and if old Blues Eyes does have the chance to croon, the whole neighbourhood won’t be joining in the chorus of My Way.

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