Mayor joins panto cast at Town Hall
16th August 2023
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“He’s behind you!”

The cast of Jack and the Beanstalk were joined by mayor of Sutton Coldfield Cllr Tony Briggs as they prepared for this year’ pantomime at the Town Hall.

Sutton Coldfield Town Hall will be hosting the production this Christmas, in partnership with TaleGate Theatre Productions.

And the mayor was on hand for the cast’s photshoot day.

Cllr Briggs said: “It was wonderful to spend time with the cast and crew who are working really hard to put on a fabulous show in December.

"Everyone was really enthusiastic, and I look forward to seeing the final production in a few months’ time.”

The Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime runs from 9 to 31 December.

Auditions for the Youth Ensemble are taking place at the Town Hall on 26 August.

James Worthington, TaleGate Theatre Productions artistic director, said: This Christmas, Sutton Coldfield Town Hall will be transformed into the royal town of Suttonia. Oh yes it will!

“A bustling market town with a GIANT problem. ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ was first presented at London’s Drury Lane in 1819 and has continued to be one of the most popular pantomimes presented.

“With magic, adventure, thrills and spills - what is not to love about this wonderful tale.

“Together we will bring this story right up to date with pop songs for all ages, dazzling special effects and more glitter than milk in the diary. With Sutton Coldfield Town Hall’s beautiful venue and TaleGate’s pantomime know-how, the future is sparkling for panto in Sutton.”

For more information visit the Town Hall website or call the box 11 296 9543.


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