florists, telford, floral, bouquet, wedding, flowers,

Florists in Telford and Wrekin

If you are looking for beautiful flower arrangements or a floral bouquet created by the best florists in Telford, these are the local florists to talk to. Recommended by other local people, they have the floral design skills and excellent customer service you would expect from the best of Telford. Whether you just want to say 'thank you' or you're looking for flowers for Birthdays, Weddings, Funerals, Valentines Day, Mothers Day or a special occasion, these local florists will create a bespoke floral arrangement just for you.

Spotlight Businesses in Telford and Wrekin
Blue Florists
Florists Telford. Award winning blue Florists by Jan Park in Shifnal is everything you could wish for in a Florist and much more. Sourcing only the very best quality flowers and plants, the design team at blue create spectacular but affordable bouquets and floral designs especially for you. Blue offers exceptional customer service - you can order and pay by phone - and they'll deliver anywhere in the UK. Blue - Telford Florists.
Gavin D said
I'm always greeted with a warm smile and the bouquets I've had have been wonderful - creative and artistic. Blue serve a great cup of tea too!
Florists in Telford and Wrekin
Big Little Things florist & gifts
Shropshire based Big Little Things are florists offering a wonderful range of design-led flowers, floral bouquets. Mother's Day flowers, Valentine's Day bouquets and Christmas wreaths.
A really interesting and engaging flower workshop were we learnt how to make wedding flowers.
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