Voluntary Groups Should Reclaim Parliament Square For Royal Wedding
15th February 2011
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Council chiefs at Westminster have said that Parliament Square should be set aside for London's unsung heroes for the day of the much anticipated Royal Wedding.

Westminster Council believe that the capital's voluntary and community groups should have exclusive access to the square to give them a prime viewing point for William and Kate's celebrations. This would then recognise the organisations that work tirelessly to improve the lives of others and ensure representation from every part of the capital.

This call comes as the High Court is due to consider an application from the council to remove anti-war protestors from the square's pavement as they are blocking the public highway.

Cllr Colin Barrow, leader of Westminster Council, said he hoped the Mayor of London and Prime Minister would back the idea which would represent the “Big Society coming to town to enjoy the big day.”

Cllr Barrow said: “On 29th April and in the days leading up to it, the eyes of the world will be on London. The royal wedding provides a unique opportunity to showcase everything that is great in the capital with Parliament Square and Westminster Abbey at its focal point. William and Kate have made it clear that they wish to have a different style of wedding and to share it with as many people as possible. So what better way to reclaim the square than to give it over on the day itself for the use of community and voluntary groups from across London who do so much fantastic work.

“Such voluntary groups could include, for example, scouts, guides, forces cadets, St John’s Ambulance and the Red Cross to name but a few. And what better message to give to the rest of the world in how much London values these groups?” 

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