Awards celebrate success of children and young people in care
2nd February 2024
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The City of Wolverhampton Council’s annual I Awards, held at Grand Station on
Friday night (26 January 2024), celebrated the efforts of local children and young people in care and care leavers, and recognised their hard work and success over the last 12 months.

More than 500 children and young people were invited to collect awards in
recognition of a wide range of achievements, from doing well at school to getting involved in their local community and overcoming challenges in their personal lives.


They were welcomed to the I Awards by the Mayor of Wolverhampton, Councillor, Dr. Michael Hardacre, with the event also celebrating success in academic achievements and personal growth and recognising the achievements of care leavers who are taking the next steps in their adult lives.

Ruby Spruce and David Griffin were named winners of the Inspirational Achievement Award after demonstrating commitment and resilience in their lives, including high academic achievements, and constantly showing commitment through supporting various initiatives helping others.


The event was hosted by SophieLou who
welcomed guests and award winners to the stage throughout the evening.
Mayor of Wolverhampton, Councillor, Dr. Micahel Hardacre said "It is extremely
important that the amazing achievements of children and young people in care in Wolverhampton are recognised, and the I Awards is the perfect way to do this and it is absolutely wonderful to see so many young people enjoying themselves."

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