We're Doing Dry January!
2nd January 2018
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Happy 2018! Many of you, us included, may have eaten and drunk a little too much over the festive season, and some may be feeling a little worse for wear??  

If so it's not too late to join us for Dry January and make a difference to yourself and a good cause! 

Dry January is a fantastic way of raising money for charity and we have chosen to split our fundraising efforts between two very good causes. 

The first is The Bay Hospitals Charity – supporting the Baybs Appeal at Furness General Hospital. As they prepare to open the new maternity ward in Barrow, this appeal was set up to provide all the extra equipment that the NHS funding doesn't cover that will make a massive difference to mums and babies across Furness. Generations of children will benefit from supporting this fantastic appeal. 

Our second charity is Cancer Research UK.  My dad is undergoing chemo at the moment, and as cancer affects 1in 3 of us, it's important to fund the vital research needed to improve treatment and hopefully one day, a cure. 

You can choose which charity or charities you fund raise for and if you set up a Virgin Money Giving Account, all the money you raise is paid directly to your chosen good cause. 

But it's not just about raising money – it’s about your relationship with alcohol, abstaining for 31 days, improving your health and saving money!  

We don’t drink excessively, but we do enjoy the odd G&T on an evening and a bottle of wine or two at the weekend.  We're on a mission to improve our health this year, lose weight and eat healthy so 31 days of abstinence will be a great kick start for 2018. 

To find out more and to join Dry January head to the website https://www.alcoholconcern.org.uk/what-and-why 

And if you'd like to cheer us on and buy us a virtual drink to support our good causes, see our Virgin Money Giving page - https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/SuzanneEdgley 

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