Chiropodists and Podiatrists in St Neots

Chiropodists and Podiatrists in St Neots

Find registered and accredited Chiropodists and Podiatrists in St Neots as recommended by local St Neots people in thebestof St Neots's Chiropodists and Podiatrists directory.

Chiropodists and Podiatrists in St Neots
Parks Therapy Centre - St Neots
Chiropodists and podiatary in St Neots for all your foot care needs Don't suffer in silence! Fully trained, friendly and professional. Parks Therapy Chiropody & Podiatry
Tracy Jones said
Lovely building. Lovely physio practice! - been using them for years (in Bedford too).
Jamie in St. Neots is great! And are all other staff & physios! 👍

Only gave 4 stars for ONE serious reason: Shockwave therapy is not available in Biggleswade branch so I have to travel to Bedford or St. Neots (1 hr round trip!), which is not always possible due to my health, so it interrupts my treatment sessions and ruins the results I should be getting from it! ☹️
If shockwave was available locally I could complete the 4 consecutive treatments as I could arrange a lift if I'm unable to drive, and then I could enjoy long lasting results and avoid surgery!

Please install Shockwave therapy in your new ground floor premises you're moving into in April 2024?! ...I'm sure you'll make a lot of patients really happy! 🙏😊
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