10 Reasons to Buy Local in the borough of Barnet
30th April 2014
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How often do you think of using independents when you go shopping? Do you have local favourites you couldn’t do without?

Here’s a few reasons why it helps to support your local high street when you pop to the shops and I’d love to hear your reasons too; please feel free to add them in the comments below.

1.  Local Character and Better Service

Having a variety of shops and those one-of-a-kind shops improves the character of the borough and makes it much more attractive. What makes these local businesses special is the person behind the business. They invest their time and effort to bring you the goods and services YOU WANT but in a way they feel you will appreciate. The increased footfall also attracts more traders, promoting growth – so everyone wins.

2.  Supporting the local Community

Local businesses are owned by people who live in the neighbourhood, are less likely to leave, have stronger links to their communities and often have a greater focus on contributing to it. On top of that it’s always nice to deal with a familiar face.

3. Decision-Making with a Local Focus

A business owned by a local resident means that many of the decisions they make take into account consideration of the local area and the people who live there. After all nobody cares more about your neighbourhood than you do.

4.  Keeping POUNDS in the Local Economy

Ever wonder where the money goes when you spend it in a national chain? A much higher proportion spent in local independents stays in the local economy with independent shops using local suppliers and services.

5.  Job and Wages

A local business with local support can create jobs for local people. Small businesses are the largest employers nationally and more local jobs means fewer people having to commute which means less traffic and pollution.

6.  Entrepreneurship

Many people are now choosing to strike out on their own to make their mark on the world. With this comes the benefit of out of the box thinking and identifying the needs of local people. Support for these businesses is critical to help the nation drive forward with the recovery.

7.  Public Benefits and Costs

Keeping the high street “open for business” requires little additional infrastructure over that of out of town shopping centres. A high street with plenty of independent businesses gives us more choice than the cloned shopping malls. There are also additional benefits for having a vibrant town centre, such as a sense of community and pride.

8.  Environmental Sustainability

Local businesses in compact, pedestrian areas helps cut car journeys which in turn helps reduce air and water pollution. Add to that, small independent businesses are more likely to buy their supplies locally; reducing the carbon footprint of the products you buy from them.

9.  More competition

Fair competition between businesses is the mother of invention and will ensure lower prices and freedom of choice over the long term.

10.  Product Diversity

Independents may not be able to compete with offers touted by national chains, but how often, when you see a ‘3 for the price of 2’ offer, do you think “I only wanted one”? A high street with local businesses delivering goods and services needed by locals is much more desirable. This helps the towns across the borough to build a unique identity and maintain the power of the consumer. After all they are always right!

So when you next go shopping think local first. That doesn’t mean stop buying from national chains but remember the difference the independents make, the extra service they deliver and support them.

Look out for our Buy Local stickers and please tell us which independent shops and services you love to use, you can recommend them here. We’ll give them a Buy Local sticker and help bang their drum.

About the Author

Andy Coleman (The Best of Barnet Borough)

Member since: 8th July 2012

I'm Andy Coleman - as owner of the Best of Barnet Borough my mission is simple, to help people find local businesses and services which they can trust. We do this by promoting tried, trusted, recommended...

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