Does having a chronic illness stop you from keeping fit?
29th July 2009
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Does having a chronic illness stop you from keeping fit?

Let's face it, many of us have chronic medical conditions that affect us in all kinds of ways - some physical, some psychological, but should that mean that the rest of our body has to suffer too - imagine being able to do keep fit with a specialist in both physical training and chronic medical illness?

Well, that's what Jules Jack is - Jules started his own company called 40rty at the age of... eh, 40 as he was fed up working in some office when he could be out there keeping fit and helping others to keep fit - and by utilising his extensive medical knowledge he is able to find just the right type of exercise for you with your condition.

Have you tried Jules yet? He's based in Finchley, part of the London Borough of Barnet.

About the Author

David K

Member since: 12th April 2011

Word of Mouth specialist. If your customers are saying nice things about you - let's all hear it - get testimonials visible and working for you

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