Children's Clothes in Barnstaple

Find the best Children's Clothes in Barnstaple as recommended by local Barnstaple people in thebestof Barnstaple's Children's Clothes directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Barnstaple
Restore Charity Shop
Looking for affordable, good quality clothes for your children, then Re:store Charity Shop in Barnstaple is the place to look. Also offering toys, games and entertainment for any age, this North Devon store can provide any of the above! Come and take a look, you will be pleasantly surprised. Or give us a call on 01271 377798
Kay M said
This is an absolutely fab place! The shop has great styling, great staff and is a total pleasure.Great cause too.
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Samuels Solicitors
Rock and Rapid Adventures
Restore Charity Shop
Project:Dance! Devon
Lundy Island
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