A family's highlights of Aladdin at The Queens theatre Barnstaple
11th December 2016
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It was the opening show of Aladdin and our family including three bouncing boys aging between 11 months and 11 years were tucked in our seats, ready for the show to unfold.


Well what an absolute treat. I can honestly say I laughed until tears fell down my face. I mean the kids laughed but I was belly laughing at the jokes, the crazy costumes and some of the dancing is deserving of its own spot on Britains got talent. Whilst watching the joy on my five year olds face I was reminded that Christmas is all about spending quality time with those you love.

The reason that the festive tradition of panto works so well is because its funny to all ages. You forget just how funny a custard pie in the face actually is until you see it through the eyes of a child for the very first time. Aladdin was a real joy. Not only for the brightly coloured sets and riduculously outrages costumes but the work that the entire cast put together to put on a great show for their audience.

It can boast amazing singers, acrabatics, loveable characters, ribtickling gags and audience participation that rivals any west end show. It also including a token comedy shout out to its sponsors St Johns garden centre and The Journal but maybe more importantly a villan whose laugh still makes my 11 month chuckle.

So in a time of stressful Christmas shopping, wrapping and juggling daily life I would urge you to make a special trip to the panto. Not only to spend a fulfilling time with your family both young and old but to simply enjoy the guilt free fun of a fantastic show. I can promise you its WORTH IT!

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Sarah E

Member since: 10th July 2012

I'm Sarah and I live just outside Barnstaple near Umberleigh.
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