Has Your Barnstaple Shop Become More Taxing?
27th October 2015
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As of the 5th October 2015, major retailers including all supermarkets will be charging 5p per plastic carrier that you use.  With over 7 billion plastic bags used last year alone the idea is to protect wildlife, reduce litter pollution and raise money for worthy causes.  Now, if you have a family or are doing a large weekly shop the idea of having to pay 5p per bag is going to make a dent in your wallet, so what’s the best thing to do?

Firstly – it does not apply to all the shops.  Pharmacies and some smaller retailers will still be providing bags free of charge.  As it doesn’t effect small retail businesses with less than 250 employees this is a great reason to 'Buy Local' with our independent stores!

Secondly – Bags will still be available, so you won’t have to lug all your shopping to the car or bus in stackable fashion.

Stock up! - If you can remember, load your car with old carriers.  Then you can either take them all in or should you forget to grab them, you can pack when you get back to the car (Weather permitting).

Go Granny! – You may have thought that a granny trolley was a fashion accessory only suitable if you’re over the age of 75 – Not true my friend!  With a range of funky designs you can pile a lot of shopping in and no 5p tax – Bonus!

Treat yourself to reusable bags – With strong bags available from foldable, freezer and hessian you may find these beauties will last longer than the cheapest reusable options.  Also, if they break or snap, most retailers will replace them free of charge!

Go hands free – Order your shopping online.  You then have the option as to whether you want bags or not. Simply select no and a friendly driver will bring your shopping into your kitchen.  All you need to do is unpack and save yourself the pennies.

Make use of child labour – If you have children or partners shopping with you, then use them.  Little hands are great for carrying or should I say swinging loafs of bread around. It may be an idea not to give them glass though, as it's always too tempting for them to want to throw them at their siblings!

Best of luck with your shopping!

About the Author

Sarah E

Member since: 10th July 2012

I'm Sarah and I live just outside Barnstaple near Umberleigh.
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