Activities in Barrow and Furness

Find the best Activities in Barrow and Furness as recommended by local Barrow and Furness people in thebestof Barrow and Furness's Activities directory.
Activities in Barrow and Furness
The Coronation Hall
Stuck for something to do? There are always fantastic activities taking place at The Coronation Hall. From coffee mornings to indoor bowling, dance workshops to cookery demonstrations, there's always something to experience at The Coro.
songsoflife said
A wonderful concert, beautiful arrangements of Christmas songs from the movies.
Thank you so much for creating an amazing atmosphere. We all cheered with joy as you closed with, 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.' Magical, a night I will never forget.
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Pamela's Pampered Pooches
Angela's Angels
Cloud9 Beauty Rooms
Tracy Wells, The Hat Box
Barrow and District Disability Assocation
Suzanne Edgley & Associates
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