Charitable Organisations in Barrow and Furness

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Spotlight Businesses in Barrow and Furness
St Mary's Hospice
St Mary's Hospice is an integral part of the Furness community - their facilities and services are available to all adults who are facing the end of life, and their families, carers and bereaved.
Patrick Donohue said
Nice lunch with very friendly staff
Barrow and District Disability Assocation
The Barrow & District Disability Association is a charitable organisation in Barrow-in-Furness that offers a wide range of services to assist people of all ages who have a disability. If you would like more information or advice, plesae do get in touch with the Barrow & District Disability Association.
Janice Rogers said
Very helpful
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Barrow Market
Ulverston Markets
The White Hart
Pamela's Pampered Pooches
St Mary's Hospice
Barrow and District Disability Assocation
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