Domestic Cleaners in Barrow and Furness

Find the best Domestic Cleaners in Barrow and Furness as recommended by local Barrow and Furness people in thebestof Barrow and Furness's Domestic Cleaners directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Barrow and Furness
Angela's Angels
Angela’s Angels is a professional, friendly and reliable cleaning service covering all of South Cumbria. Barrow, Dalton, Ulverston, Askam and surrounding villages. Also offering a bespoke shopping service and holiday cottage cleans
Kerry W said
Angela and her team are friendly and professional in approach. Having my home cleaned each week gives me time to concentrate on my two young children and not worry about keeping the house clean! I highly recommend a call to Angela to arrange a visit by your very own cleaning angel!
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Suzanne Edgley & Associates
Ulverston Markets
Angela's Angels
Pamela's Pampered Pooches
Barrow Market
Bumblebee at The Hive
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