Gift Shops in Barrow and Furness

Find the best Gift Shops in Barrow and Furness as recommended by local Barrow and Furness people in thebestof Barrow and Furness's Gift Shops directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Barrow and Furness
Bumblebee at The Hive
When looking for beautiful gifts you'll find stunning gift ideas in Bumblebee at the Hive in Barrow in Furness. whether you're looking for birthday gifts, thank you gift, baby gifts or a treat for you, pop into Bumblebee for jewellery, clothes, home ware, furniture and accessories.
Jennifer Phillips said
Brill breakfast, thanks all 😁
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Ulverston Markets
The Box LA12
Angela's Angels
Suzanne Edgley & Associates
Barrow and District Disability Assocation
Bumblebee at The Hive
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