Gifts in Barrow and Furness

Find the best Gifts in Barrow and Furness as recommended by local Barrow and Furness people in thebestof Barrow and Furness's Gifts directory.
Gifts in Barrow and Furness
The Brown Paper Book Store
A book from The Brown Paper Book Store makes the perfect gift, whether it's for an Anniversary, Birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day or simply just because...These beautifully presented books are guaranteed to delight. Give someone the joy of a good book and send them on adventure that will stay with them forever.
Fletchley Personalised Designs
For extra special personalised gifts for birthdays, weddings, christenings, and thank-yous Fletchley Personalised Designs has a great range of personalsied gifts and clothing for all the family.
Suzanne E said
Helen made the most beautiful tumblers for my 2 teens featuring a border collie, following the loss of Marley this year. There were tears on Christmas morning.... They absolutely love them, they are simply beautiful and the quality is excellent. We will be back for more personalised goodies very soon. Thank you Helen Schollar
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Helen made the most beautiful tumblers for my 2 teens featuring a border collie, following the loss of Marley this year. There were tears on Christmas morning.... They absolutely love …
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The Box LA12
Bumblebee at The Hive
Barrow and District Disability Assocation
Angela's Angels
Cloud9 Beauty Rooms
St Mary's Hospice
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