Shopping Centres in Barrow and Furness

Find the best Shopping Centres in Barrow and Furness as recommended by local Barrow and Furness people in thebestof Barrow and Furness's Shopping Centres directory.
Shopping Centres in Barrow and Furness
Barrow BID
Barrow town centre has a fantastic mix of national brands, local independent retailers and of course a fantastic indoor and outdoor market. Barrow BID will be working closely with local business to breath life back into the high street, increase footfall and make life better for businesses, locals and visitors to the town.
Jacqui A said
Fantastic event yesterday in Barrow town centre. Looking forward to next year’s Dino Day! Thank you!
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Fantastic event yesterday in Barrow town centre. Looking forward to next year’s Dino Day! Thank you!
Spotlight Businesses
Bumblebee at The Hive
Barrow Market
Angela's Angels
Barrow and District Disability Assocation
Cloud9 Beauty Rooms
Ulverston Markets
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