Sharpen Your Mind With 'A Lockdown Puzzle Book'
1st October 2020
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Over the past 7 months or so we’ve seen and heard how people have rallied round, picked themselves, and others up and done some truly remarkable things during lockdown to help out their local communities.

The way people have adapted and found creative ways to get by and bring some light into people ‘s lives has been remarkable.

One brilliant source of creativity was retired GP John Brice’s daily word puzzles that he posted on The Ulverston Social Isolation Facebook Group.

The brainteasers were posted on Facebook as a bit of fun -something to help sharpen your brain and relieve the humdrum of lockdown. The daily quizzes covered a wide range of subjects from world cities, breeds of dogs, Shakespeare plays to local Ulverston traders.

The puzzles were devised during April, May and June and have now been compiled into ‘A Lockdown Puzzle Book’ containing well over a thousand word puzzles.

‘A Lockdown Puzzle Book’ is now in print and available at bookshops in Ulverston, Ambleside and Grasmere, as well as being available online.

So, if you’re the sort of person who loves a good puzzle – then this book is perfect for you. I was a big fan of John’s daily puzzles, so when I heard they’d been crammed into a book I had to buy one. I bought my copy last week from Sutton’s Bookshop in Ulverston and I’m obsessed with it!

All proceeds from the sale of this marvellous book are going to the Coronation Hall to help support them during this challenging time.


Fantastic effort John – we look forward to the next book!

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