Cuts lead to Library Closure
15th June 2016
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They say you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

The humble library has always been underestimated, and overlooked over the years. They’re not just places to go and borrow a book (or a DVD), they offer so much more than that.

To many people a library is a vital part of the community; it’s where they gather to meet and talk to others – to find out what’s happening locally and socialize. To some it’s one of the few times they actually get out and speak to someone.

And of course it’s a really important resource for learning, and discovering the joy of reading for fun (something that in my opinion – for what it’s worth, is something everyone should be encouraged to do more of)

It’s been announced that Dalton Library in Nelson Street will be closing later this year. This is due to ongoing cost cutting plans from Cumbria County Council.

For many people it’s another nail in the town’s coffin, in recent years the town has lost its Fire Station and Banks. Losing the library and the facilities and opportunities it offers is a real blow. Dalton Learning Centre; a community project that ran for 12 years within the library got wind of the proposed cuts and as a result wound down over its fears that closure of the library would eventually happen.

So will there be a library of some sort at all in Dalton?

Well, yes – there will, but it will be on a much smaller scale. There are plans in place to open a smaller, self -service library in the community centre (also on Nelson Street) It will be manned by one member of staff for part of one day each week.

Libraries are fantastic places, but unfortunately once they’re gone (or downsized in this case), they never return. I hope people take full advantage of the new service – it may be smaller, but it’s better than nothing!

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