My Lady's Walk by Candlelight
  • Barrow Town Hall,
    Duke Street,
  • Saturday 14th September, 7:30pm
Gather for an evening of (battery-powered) candlelit storytelling from local writers, delving beneath the skin of Barrow, the Furness Peninsula, and the surrounding landscape to discover what lurks beneath.

"Everyone has a story to tell, and many are strange indeed..."

My Lady's Walk has been specifically written for By Candlelight in Barrow by local writer Sally Ann Staunton, inspired by her late Gran 'Betty.'


About Sally Ann:

A Barrovian born and bred Sally Ann flew her little wings to seek life as an actor working with various theatre companies across the country and round the world. When covid hit and the world she had created suddenly disappeared she came home and found solace in her spoken word, writing became her voice. Since the huge success of BarrowFull's Boosting Creativity piece she co-wrote, performed titled 'Our Barra Town' Sally Ann now has writing credits with Wordsworth Trust, BAE Systems / Dock Museum's 'Shipyard Town' Project, Ragged Edge Productions, Quiet Down Theatre and has been selected for the Plaines Plough 'Tour The writer' nationwide scheme in partnership with Theatre by the Lake.


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