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Local News and Updates
Get your essential items from Barrow Market Hall
  • 4th January 2021
When the going gets tough - you can always count on Barrow Market Hall traders to deliver! Read more
  • 25th March 2020
Due to the current risks associated with COVID-19, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) is temporarily suspending visiting for patients in its hospitals with immediate effect. Read more
Free E-books and Audio books from Barrow Library.
  • 25th March 2020
Following government guidance on COVID-19 and in light of the rapidly moving situation the Council took the difficult decision to remove all ‘face to face public access’ to the county council’s libraries and archive services last week.... Read more
CancerCare to Create New Services
  • 20th March 2020
CancerCare in Barrow have new ways of supporting our community. Read more
5 Ways You Can Spread Kindness & Help Your Local Businesses
  • 20th March 2020
5 Ways You Can Spread Kindness & Help Your Local Businesses in Barrow and Furness during Covid-19 ...that would give you a warm feeling and genuinely help them. Read more
Visiting Restrictions at UHMBT Hospitals
  • 17th March 2020
With immediate effect, visiting on ALL wards across Furness General Hospital, Royal Lancaster Infirmary & Westmorland General Hospital will be restricted to one hour per day between 6.30pm - 7.30pm. Read more
Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
  • 16th February 2020
Random Acts of Kindness Day returns on Monday 17th February. Read more
9 Ways to show your dog you love them on Valentine's Day
  • 13th February 2020
Our dogs show us unconditional love all year round, the joy they give us, the companionship and friendship they offer is incredible.... Read more
Have You Had Your Flu Vaccination Yet?
  • 27th January 2020
Even though the days are now getting longer and winter is waning, it’s not too late to get your ‘flu jab. Read more
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