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Local News and Updates
Movember movement hits Furness!
  • 1st November 2012
It's that time of year again!... Read more
My 7 Top Tips for Effective Marketing
  • 28th September 2012
Marketing can be a real minefield for business owners and as a constantly changing medium it's important not depend on too few tools.... Read more
  • 30th August 2012
 Helping Small Businesses Grow using Social Media
  • 21st September 2012
Using Twitter and Facebook to grow your business can be a minefield, but thebestof barrowandfurness are now working in partnership with Suzanne Edgley to help you make the most of social media and increase your online presence. Read more
Beware all Utility Warehouse / Avon / Herbalife distributors
  • 26th August 2012
Many thanks to SDG Accountants for alerting us to this latest clamp down by HMRC on Direct Selling Organisations like the Utility Warehouse / Avon etct Read more
Attention all Bloggers in Cumbria – New Photography Competition announced.
  • 16th August 2012
Bloggers in Cumbria are being encouraged to get involved with a photography competition by Travel Supermarket.... Read more
New Networking Group to be set up at Newby Bridge / Lakeside
  • 16th August 2012
A new weekly networking group is to be set up in the Newby Bridge/ Lakeside area this Autumn.... Read more
Helping support Green Heart Den - with “Sponsor a Planter Scheme”
  • 16th August 2012
Businesses in Barrow and Furness are being encouraged to support Green Heart Den, an area of green space that's brought colour and great enjoyment to the local community. Read more
The 5 biggest mistakes businesses make with Social Media.
  • 25th July 2012
This fantastic article from BNI highlights the pitfalls of marketing through social media - we can also help you avoid them with Bestof + Social Media Package! Read more
How to Get your Advert to Stand Out from the Crowd!
  • 25th July 2012
We spotted these great tips about adverts about 2 years ago and have applied them so many times when we advise our clients - they really help to ensure your advert gets the right response. Read more
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