We need you…to join the Peace Garden project!
27th July 2016
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Volunteers are needed to help Basingstoke’s Peace Garden bloom in time for the centenary of the end of the First World War in 2018.  

Basingstoke and Deane Mayor Cllr Jane Frankum is calling on community-minded residents to dig for victory at the new garden in War Memorial Park. The Mayor said: “I’m hoping more residents and businesses in Basingstoke and Deane will come forward to help the Peace Garden volunteer group in many ways - from fundraising and sponsorship to getting involved at root level with the construction and planting.  

“The Peace Garden is an inspirational project which promises to bring the community together in a very special tribute to the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War and local people’s part in it.”  

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has been working with the community volunteers that have come forward to create a steering group for the project to create a design for the Peace Garden, which can be viewed at www.basingstoke.gov.uk/peacegarden  

The garden, to be situated between the London Road entrance to the park and the aviary, will celebrate peace, while also commemorating the sacrifices of forces’ personnel and civilians and the role played by the borough in World War One and subsequent conflicts.  

The Peace Garden team is ready and willing to visit schools, community groups and businesses to discuss the project and explain how people of all ages can get involved.  

For more information or to ask the group to come to your group or business to explain more about the project contact the council on 01256 844844 or email margaret.mcgrath@basingstoke.gov.uk or follow the Peace Garden team on Facebook at /PeaceGarden

About the Author

Neal and Julie

Member since: 1st March 2016

thebestof Basingstoke

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