Floral inspired arty fun creating beautiful abstract collage and artwork on this fun collaborative workshop with Rachel Davis & Jacky Purtill.
7Artists+ are delighted Rachel & Jacky are offering this exciting, creative workshop for 7A+ as part of the Open Studios West Berks North Hants 2025 trail. Floral inspired fun and joy will be encouraged and enthusiastically channelled as you create beautifully abstract floral collage and artwork pieces.
The workshop is divided into two parts, focussing on two different and unique outcomes. You will make and take home two finished pieces of artwork.
Outcome one - beautiful fantasy watercolour, ink and brusho floral artwork.
Outcome two - stunning acrylic and collage floral artwork.
Suitable for: Adults and 16+, no experience necessary, please bring an apron - it will be messy!
Spaces are limited to 12 people. Don't miss out on this opportunity delight in some floral creativity, book your space now!
For tickets please visit: www.7artistsplus.co.uk/workshops/floral-abstract-with-jacky-purtill-and-rachel-davis
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