Inspiring another generation at Newton Park! 30/08/13
5th September 2013
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Hi there its Luke here! On Friday 30th August I had a session down at Newton Park, I was joined by my 10 year old cousin Reece and my uncle Ro. As Reece is under 12 he can fish without an EA licence and Bathampton AA membership. This was Reece’s first ever fishing trip to a proper carp lake with big carp in!

Peg Newton Park

I arrived at 8am bright and early. I talked to a few anglers fishing there and a few fish had been caught in the morning so the day looked pretty promising! I was also joined by Jack & Ash. After casting out I awaited my first bite… Within the first 30 minutes of Ash casting out he caught 2 Common Carp both around about 10lb.

Carp Newton Park

By this time Jack had only had a few touches and I had nothing on neither of my rods. After Ash had those two fish it went very quiet for quite a long time. At Mid-day my cousin and uncle arrived. As I said, it was Reece’s first ever session on a carp lake so I was determined for him to catch something. After 30 minutes of them arriving my rod which was cast against the far margin went off. I striked into it and passed it over to Reece.

Carp Newton Park 4

I assisted him and taught him how to play a carp, and this was his new PB carp at 6lb and what a stunner it was! Caught on a Supreme Smoothie Boilie tipped with fake sweet corn.

Carp Newton Park 2

After returning the fish in the water we quickly cast out the margin rod (as it was in the way) and set it up on the alarms. I was explaining to Reece how the rigs work etc etc, and all of a sudden the rod bent right around. After striking into it I passed it over to Reece. I only helped him when he needed it and he played the fish about 80% of the time himself with the odd bit of assistance. We got the fish in the net after 5 minutes of playing it and what a fish it was! Reece already broking his PB with his 6lb catch but this was a real big one!

Carp Newton Park 5

The fish weighed in at a very heavy 14.5lb! Another PB smasher for Reece at Newton Park. We were both really chuffed this catch. After that very eventful last half hour it went really quiet until about 3pm when we had another one. It was 9lb and a full linear! Awesome looking fish! Another one that could not resist the Supremey goodness!

Carp Newton Park 6

It then went quiet again for a very long time. And just as we were packing up this happened!


An absolute screamer of a run! As you can tell Reece was really happy with this and Jack was excited that we got the run on camera!

Carp Newton Park 7

Another big one, yet again on a Supreme Smoothie boilie in mid water. I didn’t weigh the fish as I was getting touches on my other rod so we returned the fish to the water without weighing it. It was around the 14lb mark easy! After that fish at 6:30 we packed up and went home after having an awesome days fishing! Reece and I had 4 fish (biggest 14.5lb), Ash had 2 commons (biggest 10lb) and unfortunately Jack blanked… Riki and I did fish Newton a couple weeks before this session and had the stunner out!

Newton Park Carp

Until the next time Luke

About the Author

Bath Angling

Member since: 26th July 2013

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