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Local News and Updates
The Quest For The Winter 20+ Achieved on Hunstrete Lake!
  • 14th March 2014
The Quest For The Winter 20+ Achieved on Hunstrete Lake with only a few days to spare! Read more
Tell Laura l love her!
  • 9th March 2014
Great Pulteney Street has sprung into life with the switching on of the fountain at the town end.... Read more
Forgotten friends?
  • 4th March 2014
Journalist and ex-tv and radio presenter Richard Wyatt is now Director of the Virtual Museum of Bath.... Read more
Local & Loved Results 2014
  • 26th February 2014
Who has been voted the most loved business in Bath? Read more
"Sticking it out, for those cracking results!" at Newton Park 02/01/14
  • 12th February 2014
In this blog, Luke and Riki have their first session of 2014 at Newton Park.... Read more
Session on Hunstrete Lake + Rig Talk! 01/02/14
  • 12th February 2014
Luke & Riki continue their quest for the winter 20lb+ carp on Hunstrete Lake.... Read more
A social turns serious on Hunstrete's Withy Pool! - Bath Angling
  • 31st December 2013
Luke, Riki & James spent the day on Hunstrete's Withy Pool, thinking tactically to try and find the fish!... Read more
The 5 fallacies of fat loss part 1 - calories
  • 12th December 2013
Why counting calories may be a red herring in your efforts to lose weight Read more
Our first of many sessions at Bitterwell Lake! - Bath Angling
  • 27th November 2013
On Sunday 17th November Luke and Supreme Baits consultant Steve went down to the new re-opened Bitterwell Lake to get a piece of the action!... Read more
Five days three venues all in one blog! - Bath Angling
  • 5th November 2013
It was half term and we had the week off school!... Read more
Displaying page 12 of 26