Is your business making a good first impression?
21st February 2011
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People say that first impressions last.  It’s true.  It’s also a problem, if your business makes a bad first impression on potential customers.

Is your business making a good first impression? How will you know?  More importantly, how can ensure you make a positive impact in the future?

You have three seconds . . .

When someone arrives at your website for the first time there’s a good chance that the visitor is actively searching for something.  It might be information.  Alternatively the visitor might be looking to buy something. This means that most visitors are impatient.  They will decide very quickly if your website is right for them.   They won’t take the time to investigate your site thoroughly.  They will look, decide and most probably go - quickly.

If your site doesn’t show clearly what you do and who you help then, even if there is a good fit between what you do and what your visitor is looking for, there won’t be a connection.

  • So, if someone visits your site can that person see immediately what you do?
  • Are there clear messages on your site to grab the visitor’s attention?

Don’t rely on your own judgement.  Ask a few people to look briefly at your home page or at your principal landing page.  Then ask them to explain what you do.

Try this and you could be surprised.

You have nine words . . .

When you meet someone for the first time, at an exhibition or at a networking event, for example, how long is it before that person has decided whether or not you are interesting, and whether or not to pay attention to what you’re saying?

In reality, you have about three or four seconds, or the opportunity to say nine words.

Once you’ve delivered that first statement you will start to lose the person’s attention, if you haven’t grabbed the other person’s attention. 

Since you’re actually in front of the person you might be able to rescue the situation if your second sentence is riveting, but after that – that is, after about fifteen words – you’ve lost the opportunity to make a good first impression.

Why first impressions matter

We don’t listen very carefully these days.  We don’t read carefully.  There are so many different calls on our time and on our attention that we’re constantly being distracted.   

If you introduce yourself badly either in person or online, then by the time you’ve finished your introduction no one will really be listening and your new visitor will have left your website. 

To hold people’s attention in today’s world and to make a good first impression you need to indicate quickly, clearly and unambiguously how you help the people in your marketplace.

It’s true that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make sure that the first impression you create is positive.

Do you work hard to make a good first impression?  If so, what do you do?  Let me know in the comments below.


The Adams Consultancy Ltd is a member of the Best Of Beaconsfield.  The company is based near Chesham and specialises in helping businesses to get more new business faster.  The Adams Consultancy Ltd can help you to make a good first impression.  Read The Adams Consultancy Ltd’s profile here.

Read the testimonials that show what businesses think of The Adams Consultancy by clicking on the button above the feature the above link directs you to. Then visit the company’s website by clicking on the link above the feature. 


About the Author

Margaret A

Member since: 17th April 2012

Margaret Adams is the managing director of The Adams Consultancy Ltd.

Learn more about her work at

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