The Chalfont St Giles Country Show
5th August 2010
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It's count-down to The Chalfont St Giles Country Show to be held this year on Saturday 4th September! Each year there is a different theme...this year it is The Wild West so expect to see outlaws, sherrifs, cowboys and indians galore. Gerard Naprous and the Devils Horsemen will give amazing displays of equestrian stunt skills in the main arena. If the children moan"what can I do?" during these summer holidays, encourage them to enter the competition classes....there is a real buzz of excitement when the competition marquees open up after judging (There's loads for adults too!) You can enter online at ...just make sure that entries are submitted by 12 noon on Sat.28th August. (They are free to enter and anyone living within a 20 mile radius of Chalfont St Giles is eligible to enter the classes.)

The more energetic can start the day by participating in the 10k Multi-Terrain Run which will depart from Stratton Chase ( in the centre of the village) at 10am. This is also a well established event which attracts runners from all the country, and spills over the rolling Chiltern Hills, through forest and woodland and zig-zags up farm trails and across country lanes. The event has been generously sponsored this year by IBB Solicitors. There is a £15 entry cost, and runners will receive a runners shirt, a free car park pass, a free entry to the show and a goody bag! See the show's website for details on how to enter

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