Hairdressers in Bedford

Find the best Hairdressers in Bedford as recommended by local Bedford people in thebestof Bedford's Hairdressers directory.
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Indulge Hairdressing
Looking for hairdressers in Bedford offering a wide range of services in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere? Then you should make an appointment at Indulge Hairdressing on 01234 356037 - we only employ the best hairdressers in Bedford! Call now and find out why so many men, women and children use Indulge Hairdressing.
Rachel W said
I have been to Indulge twice now and already booked in for my third appointment! Jo is a great hairdresser and iuts a lovely friendly salon to have your hair cut in. Having moved to Bedford from London 4 years ago I struggled to find a local hairdresser for years and have tried numerous salons in Bedford. Search over as I now wouldn't go anywhere else!
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AJ Offord & Co Ltd
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