Invigorating Taster Day at The Health Hub
29th January 2010
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I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Health Hub's Taster Day yesterday at the Day Resource Centre, on Kimbolton Road, along with 15 others with an interest in complementary therapies.   It was billed as an 'innovative, relaxing and fun-filled taster day to help you kick start your physical vitality and overall sense of well-being for 2010', and it certainly fulfilled its promise.

The day started with a sound relaxation session with Kanti: we sat and listened to beautiful resonant sounds from gongs, singing bowls and many other instruments.  The sounds were such that they filled your mind leaving no room for anything else, which was very relaxing. So much so that when we were asked for feedback, it was very difficult to actually say anything sensible!

This was followed by a playful exploration of kinesiology (muscle testing).  It was ably demonstrated by Gabi how our bodies can show us what will do us good, and how we can use this to make lifestyle choices, with some illuminating examples from the participants.

Meditation and Energetic NLP with Fiona followed with an overview and a refreshing exercise to refocus ourselves.  By this point I was feeling empowered and ready for the challenge of my first ever vegan lunch.

Ann at the Real Renaissance Cafe then introduced us to the benefits of a raw vegan diet, and provided us with a delicious buffet none of it having been heated above 38 degrees, so none of the nutients and enzymes have been destroyed though cooking.  Relaxing all morning creates quite an appetite!  We were treated to a green smoothie (with spinach), pizza bites, delicious dips and pates, served with flax crackers and cruditees, followed by three delicious deserts - chocolate gallete, green gallete, and raspberry sheezecake.

Thank you very much ladies. I floated through the afternoon! 

The Health Hub is running courses in all of these disciplines starting soon and more information can be found through thebestofBedford on 01234 862228.

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