Is Beverley's North Bar Within a forgotten area?
20th August 2010
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People visiting Beverley's North Bar Within are apparently dwindling in numbers, is it lacking the appeal it once did, in the days when Burgess's ice cream were there, are the rents of St. Mary's Court too high, driving retailers away and stopping new businesses coming in, or is there more to it than that.

The stretch between North Bar and St. Mary's Church has a host of good businesses. Those businesses need the support of Beverley people, it's not just about Saturday Market through to Wednesday Market, North Bar  has a lot to offer, so let's support the businesses in this area, these businesses are key to Beverley's survival as a great, traditional, market town, so let's support them all. have a walk down to the Bar and enjoy the warmth and hospitality of this lovely area. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES! because once they have gone, it will be too late.

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