Businesses across the West Midlands have been urged to help future-proof their operations – and save money - by backing this month’s National Apprenticeship Week.
A reverse jobs fair at a West Midlands NHS Trust saw young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) showcase their skills to employers.
LTSB, a social mobility charity that prepares young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to the corporate world, has launched its Birmingham business programme for 2024.
Ukranian refugee Oleksandr Novolotskyi has a dream – to be able to return home one day and use his newfound construction skills to help rebuild his war-torn country.
A unique community scheme funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) has helped over 1,100 people either get into work or improve their employment prospects.
Adults across the West Midlands who want to improve their maths skills and boost their career prospects will be able to sign up for free flexible courses under the new Multiply scheme.
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