Hundreds of millions of pounds will be invested by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) over the coming 12 months to drive economic growth, build more social and affordable housing, improve transport links and give people the skills they need
West Midlands mayor Richard Parker has made two major appointments to deliver on his pledges to improve road safety and boost cycling and walking across the region.
The number of specially trained officers helping to keep passengers safe by patrolling the region’s bus, train and tram networks has been doubled following a new recruitment drive.
Rail passengers travelling between Birmingham and Liverpool will soon benefit from more frequent trains under a major timetable change from London Northwestern Railway (LNR).
Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) has given away up to 1,000 free four-week bus tickets to people who followed social media clues to a unique billboard advert.
Work in Birmingham city centre that will allow for a phased opening of the Birmingham Eastside Metro extension is nearing completion following the successful installation of track along Moor Street Queensway.
Business leaders in Greater Birmingham today welcomed plans by the mayors of the West Midlands and Greater Manchester for a new railway line connecting the two regions.
As part of enhancements to the customer journey, including the new security search area, a new service has been put in place for customers who use Sunflower Lanyards as a way of discreetly making others aware of their hidden disability.
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