300th sign up as Thrive at Work expands
10th July 2019
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The Thrive at Work Wellbeing Awards Programme is celebrating signing up its 300th business since launching in October.

The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) run programme, which aims to grow healthier, happier workplaces, is also widening its reach.

In April 2019 a £6.8 million Midlands Engine funding bid was successful to help businesses improve the way employers and employees manage the impact of poor mental health in the workplace by creating effective tools and sharing learning.

The WMCA Thrive team was part of a bid consortium led by Coventry University, working with Warwick University and Mind to secure that funding.

And, although Thrive at Work was initially for small to medium sized businesses based in the region, in response to demand from across all sectors, WMCA has now opened up the scheme to any business, any size, anywhere in the country.

Somerville School in Small Heath, Birmingham, was the 300th organisation to sign up.

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, WMCA portfolio holder for wellbeing, and leader of Warwickshire County Council, said: “I am delighted to see organisations recognising the value of the programme – with our 300th sign-up.

“It is an exciting opportunity for employers to better support their employees and take control of workplace wellbeing, with more than 120,000 staff now involved in the programme.

“Thrive at Work is a fantastic free accreditation programme that helps businesses improve staff health, wellbeing and productivity.

“This programme is a great opportunity for businesses to show their commitment to the health and wellbeing of their staff and help boost productivity.”

It is estimated that 40 per cent of sick days taken in the West Midlands relate to a mental health problem.

Four million estimated working days are lost every year due to mental health conditions and, separately, musculoskeletal conditions led to between eight and nine million estimated working days lost in 2016/2017 in the West Midlands.

The National Institute of Clinical Excellence estimates that businesses implementing staff wellbeing programmes could save between £130 and £5,020 per participating employee - by reducing sickness absence or illness at work.

Thrive at Work is designed in recognition that one size does not fit all and, while specifying criteria and guidelines, it supports and nudges organisations to implement change and builds in flexibility in the way businesses can implement the guidelines and decide how best to allocate their resources.

The Thrive at Work Wellbeing Awards Programme has been created in recognition of the need to support the working population – designed to encourage and reward employers for improving the health and wellbeing offer to their employees.

Evidence suggests that organisations will see financial benefits from investing in employee health and wellbeing - through reduced sickness absence, lower staff turnover and better productivity and job satisfaction.

The Thrive at Work Awards and Accreditation programme provides employers with a structure and the tools and resources to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees and ultimately improve productivity and profit.

It is now open to any organisation of any size in any location.  

There are no costs involved in joining the Thrive at Work programme. Application is free as is access to the online toolkit resource, accreditation and award.

More information is available via a brief leaflet here, a more detailed brochure about Thrive at Work or on the WMCA website.  

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