A Collision Of The Human And Superhuman Comes To Birmingham Rep
24th May 2024
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Imagine you can travel through time backwards and forwards.  What would you do?


This is the question being asked in "To Move in Time", a dizzying monologue written by Tim Etchells for Forced Entertainment.  Tyrone Huggins stars as as an unamed protagonist who speculates about what he`d do if he were able to travel backwards and forwards in time.


The play is supported by Arts Council England and supported by Lincoln Performing Arts Theatre.


The Guardian awarded the play 4 gold stars and said in it`s review:


"Tim Etchells is sureley a master of the late-night pub conversation.  Give him a thought experiment and watch him go."


The production was dedescribed by The List, who also gave it 4 gold stars:


"An insightful script and detailed performance in this thoughtful new piece of work".


From fantasies of changing the present to obsessions with everyday events in the past the text is an unfolding compuslive thought process.  In the end, far from the science fiction of time travel the play concerns itself with questions of value and priority - what matters, what needs to be cared for and what can be changed?


This is an obsessive stream of conciousness, tangled and contradictory, combing Etchells` text with Huggins powerful performance that walks a line between the everyday and the fantastical in a way that is comic, absurd and tinged with melancholy.


The play is at the Birmingham rep 23 - 24th May


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