Birmingham Airport has confirmed Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity as its nominated partner for the next three years.
The selection process was driven by the airport's employees, who participated in a voting initiative after meeting with several local charities during an open day.
The new partnership will involve a range of activities including fundraising, volunteering, and raising awareness of the charity's mission.
Nick Barton, CEO of Birmingham Airport, said: “Our colleagues voted in droves, demonstrating their desire to support young people in need and recognise those that make that care possible day in day out.
“We are extremely proud to be a partner and see what we can do to support this incredible charity that makes a difference to so many, every day.”
Mark Brider, CEO of Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity, said: “It’s an honour to be chosen as official charity partner for Birmingham Airport.
“One in eight children from the West Midlands is treated at our world-class hospital every year, meaning many of the airport’s employees have had first-hand experience of the incredible care that’s delivered daily.”
“Through this wonderful partnership, we hope to increase the awareness of our charity, showcase our hospital’s world-leading treatment and support our brave patients. Together we will transform lives.”
Nick Barton met with Mark Brider along with three-year-old Harrison, six-year-old Hafsa, nine-year-old Annie and 12-year-old Martha, all patients from the hospital, to mark the beginning of the partnership.
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