Top destinations include Dublin, Palma, Amsterdam, Alicante and Dubai.
With so many customers taking advantage of sunnier climates, the terminal will be very busy, and due to the on-going security building works, customers will find themselves queuing in unfamiliar areas.
Birmingham Airport is building for its future by constructing a new simpler and streamlined security area for its customers.
Customers will see, due to the building works, there is a new route to security. The new queuing area for security is mainly downstairs, as a large part of the upstairs security queuing has been removed as part of the construction.
The Airport Teams will be on hand to assist customers throughout their journey and help with any questions.
Al Titterington, terminal operations director of Birmingham Airport said: “It is an exciting time here at the airport as we build for our future and transition to our brand-new security area.
“The new area will have equipment that will ensure our customers experience a simpler and streamlined security process.
“The construction of our new security area has removed a significant area of space and that at times has been very challenging.
“We have worked closely with our contractors and operational teams to keep the airport operating but we know at times there have been instances where our service level has dropped below what we would aim to deliver. For those instances we apologise to our customers.
“We ask our customers to bear with us as we transition over to our new security area in which we have invested £60 million, part of a £300 million investment programme of works over the next decade.”
Travel advice for customers travelling out of Birmingham Airport over the next few months:
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