To ensure that customers, who require the Sunflower Lanyard service can access it, a new ‘check-in’ facility will be introduced. This new check-in system will ensure that passengers, with hidden disabilities, can be assisted by trained colleagues from the airport whilst travelling through.
From Monday 5 August 2024 all customers using a Sunflower Lanyard will need to first register with the Assisted Travel desk on-site, before accessing security. Once registered, airport teams can discuss the level of assistance required with customers, ensuring a consistent level of service for those that require it.
Chris Wilson, head of Terminal Operations said: “The Sunflower Lanyard has been in place for many years here at Birmingham Airport to assist our customers with hidden disabilities and those requiring assistance whilst travelling through the airport. This new process ensures we can fully support our customers with the help they need, whether from the check-in point to the aircraft or just through the security process. The choice is up to our customers, ensuring their independence.”
“Our customers are at the heart of what we do. This new check-in service will help us deliver the best customer service to everyone, while also allowing us to understand how many people need support at any given time.”
Birmingham Airport added that the service is there to ensure that the airport journey is as stress-free and calm as possible for those with hidden disabilities. It is not a service that will fast track any processes that others may be experiencing at the airport.
Andy Wright, independent chairman of the Birmingham Airport Accessibility Forum commenting on the new scheme said: “I am aware of the increase in passengers now requiring a Sunflower Lanyard, most of which appear to already be in possession of their own lanyard. This new scheme will help better manage the service offered to customers registering directly with the Assisted Travel team upon arrival. This will ensure that the resource can now be better utilised to support those for whom the Sunflower Lanyard policy was originally created.”
The new process for customers is:
Birmingham Airport caters for all customers, and it is known that travel, can at times, be an overwhelming process for some so the airport has measures in place to support its assisted travel and hidden disability passengers. These include:
Further detail can be found on this initiative HERE.
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