The Birmingham-based company has over 100 years of experience implementing supply chain solutions across organisations in the UK and overseas.
However, customers were increasingly asking for help on how to protect their companies from cyber-attacks as well as reaping the benefits of Cloud solutions.
Shaz Naeem, CEO of Portech Systems, commented: “For decades now we have implemented solutions following a barcode applied to a product being manufactured to its journey to the warehouse and retail stores.
“Our automation solutions extended to field sales and service but the extension to protect customer data and enhance collaboration completes our total offering to customers seeking to drive growth and save money.”
Portech Systems has bolstered its team with expertise in the areas of cyber security and cloud computing to enable this total offering to existing and prospective customers.
For further information contact Portech on 0121 624 2626 or visit their newly revised website for further information.
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