Birmingham Weather
16th July 2013
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To this current day the UK is yet to see a proper summer until now. There are rumours that we may even beat the summer of 1976 when Britain suffered a severe drought. The worst part of that summer was the severe fires ablaze in the forests. With predicted weeks to come of this rare phenomenon on the horizon why not make the most of the weather? There are plenty of activities to get immersed in throughout Birmingham these upcoming weeks like family trips to the cinema or Race for Life at Cannon Hill Park.

However, be cautious on how you spend your time as this weather can be hazardous. Be sure to think safe and wear sun lotion and stay in the shade in the peak hours of the day, which is 11am to 3pm. However, it is not just the daytimes that are sweltering because so are the nights.

The highest night time temperature of 2013 so far is 19 degrees. If that's not sweltering I don't know what is.

Author - Jade Varney

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