Birmingham`s Chinese Community Raises £33,255 From Wuhan Fundraising Dinner
17th February 2020
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Birmingham`s Chinese community has comer together to organise a charity fundraiser to support the people of Wuhan affected by the deadly virus.  The event was headed by Tom Li of the Overseas Chinese Association and assisted by Wendy Choi and James B Wong (pictured with the Lord Mayor of Birmingham).   The event was held on 10th February and raised an incredible £33,255 at the Birmingham Conference & Events Centre.  The Chung Ying Restaurant provided food for free and Birmingham Conference & Events Centre very kindly waived the room hire.  There were a number of VIPs attending on the night including Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands and Dr Beverley Lindsay OBE OD, Vice Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands.     The MC for the evening was Phil Oldershaw who has been hosting the Chinese New Year celebrations for the past 3 years.  He has also hosted numerous of other events including the BBC Good Food Show and Colmore Food Festival.   "The people of Birmingham have a longstanding friendship with China" explained Councillor Mohammed Azim, Lord Mayor of Birmingham "and encouraged by our Sister City relationships with Changchun, Guangzhou and Nanjing.  I have already hosted several delegations visiting from China and feel that it is really important to be able to share our experiences and build greater cultural understanding."     Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province with a population of over 11 million people who are at the centre of the corona virus.   Wuhan is 600 miles from Hong Kong, 700 miles from Beijing  and 5500 miles from Birmingham.     "A big thank you to all of our  performers and volunteers" said Tom Li of the Overseas Chinese Association.  "They have all donated their time for free.  A big thank you, also, to James B Wong.  The food tonight is sponsored by Chung Ying Restaurant Group.  We`ve all been shocked and saddened by recent events affecting the region and now the world.  The Chinese community of Birmingham cannot stand by and do nothing.  We are here today to show solidarity and compassion for our fellow countrymen and women, currently isolated in desperate need of international aid.     The funds we raise tonight will provide essential medical supplies for Hubei Red Cross, one of the Chinese Embassy`s approved charities.  Your kindness and generosity is helping those who need it the most.       Though we are divided by geography, our hearts and minds are as one.  The good people of Wuhan will know their brothers and sisters in Birmingham support them and wish them a prosperous future."     You can donate here:
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