Claudeth Stanley -Feeding the Homeless in the city of Birmingham
9th December 2019
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Mrs Claudeth Stanley BSc(Hons) is renown in helping others throughout her younger school
years giving out food packages to the elderly in harvest festival, her most favourite time of the
year, she would go to the local shops for her neighbours who were ill or had no relatives,
Claudeth was trusted by everyone because of her kind deeds towards others. Her kind nature
shone throughout her life, the feeling of helping others gave her so much joy and warmth it
became addictive to her. Claudeth expresses her interest in different communities at a very
young age.

Having a passion for caring for others. Claudeth grew up in an affluent family, her parents
instilled in all their children a neutral eye in viewing the world with no colours or hate.

Claudeth Stanley noticed the harsh reality of life in others who were away from their families
when they go off to university. Claudeth attended Manchester University to study law, some
students that were struggling to survive, their parents could not support them whilst they studied,
students who had to work while studying still found it hard to make ends meet, and those are the
collective few Claudeth choose to befriend and help. Claudeth often found herself feeding others
by arranging poetry meetings and supplying free food to those that attended, back in those days
charity was a four-letter word, so you had to disguise your kindness with gatherings of a group of
independent individuals who work together towards a common goal, in this case, it was the arts.

Whilst working within the NHS Claudeth grew a rapport with several gangs of Birmingham, till
this very day, Claudeth works for a better understanding of the relationship the gangs have with
each other. Claudeth travelled to the USA to learn first hand why gangs are prominent within
certain communities in the USA Claudeth brought back that knowledge to the UK, arrange
private talks with the leaders of various gangs of Birmingham to relate this information back to
their brothers and sisters. Some gang members stayed within the confinement of the gang
culture, but most went through college and then to university to make their lives better through
education, and work. The trend of gangs is becoming more dangerous due to the knife culture of

Feeding the Homeless Community

Claudeth Stanley works within the business section of Central Birmingham, observing various
people who approached her asking for money for food, Claudeth devised a plan to start a free
food programme for the homeless ABC Ltd was born.
Emails after emails phone calls after phone calls meetings after meetings, Claudeth finally got
the free food she needed to supply to the homeless in the evening from a well-known
supermarket chain. In the morning before work Claudeth collects the food from a variety of this

well-known supermarket chain, then goes to her normal administration job in the city, in the
evening after work Claudeth goes out and feeds the vunerable.

Claudeth does not stay within the confines of Birmingham Central, she travels to various town
centres within West Midlands feeding the vulnerable. Claudeth has been attending various
meetings in relation to human right struggles and realised that period dignity is prevalent
amongst the homeless community, and she is now supplying feminine products which are now
part of her normal routine in helping others.
Claudeth has always been a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change, she
has been on numerous marches to help combat change for the betterment of society. Claudeth
has always displayed kindness and concern for others, she has always put others before herself
having a natural hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something such as
having a homeless shelter built for the vulnerable to sleep without harm.
This remarkable woman has self-funded all that she does for the communities that she helps, in
the future, Claudeth wants to make ABC Ltd into a charity, so the homeless shelter can become a
reality and not just a dream.
If you want to help out within your community please do not hesitate in contacting Claudeth at
the email below.

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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