Covid-19 & the Arts
23rd March 2020
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It’s hard not to be worried recently about the way COVID-19 is effecting so many people in so many ways.  Unfortunately the growing crisis of C19 has had a huge impact on the Arts meaning many freelancers (performers and crew alike) have incurred massive losses to their income. It is also clear that as a society we are not set up to support the self-employed when they are faced with situations like this which are outside of their control.


The Emergency Fund for Freelance Performers (EFFP), aims to raise £10,000 to cover hardship costs of freelancers in the West Midlands working in the Arts who have been affected by job and tour cancellations, insurance with no coverage, and with no access to sick pay, etc.  The EFFP has a dedicated volunteer team with wide links within the Creative Arts. 


The aim of the EFFP is to offer a one off payment to all self employed artists/performers/creatives/crew of £200. Freelancers will be asked to access the fund through EFFPs Facebook or Twitter pages or through their website. Naturally they wont be able to help everyone and recipients will be asked to be mindful the resources they are taking.


The EFFP are also keen to bring the plight of the self employed community into the public eye and rally for change. Hopefully bringing this issue to light will help to change the support that freelancers are able to access.


The fund was started by Vicki MacWinyers a freelance Stage Manager and Performer based in Birmingham. She says As a freelancer in the Arts, myself and my peers have lost most if not all of our income for the foreseeable future, I figured it was better to do something pro active rather than join the panic! I am eternally grateful for every ounce of generosity and the more we raise the more we can share with others in this time of uncertainty. I want to help as many as I can for as long as I can”


If you wish to donate please follow the link to the fund raising page below, every little bit will help. You can keep updated with how it is progressing on EFFPs Facebook page and Twitter (the link to the fund is pinned to both of these). And please, please share this as far as possible for as long as needed.


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