National audit, tax, advisory and consulting firm Crowe is called on delegates at the Make UK National Manufacturing Conference to make sure their voice is being heard at the highest level.
Over 700 delegates from the UK manufacturing industry gathered at QEII Centre in London to hear from speakers across the sector and the political spectrum.
Crowe has consistently called for a Minister of Manufacturing to have a senior place at the Cabinet table so that the voice of the industry is heard at the very top level.
And the firm’s annual Manufacturing Outlook Survey, which is currently underway, will give the sector a chance to identify the threats, opportunities and priorities it faces.
Johnathan Dudley, partner and head of Manufacturing at Crowe, said: “We have been calling for more support for manufacturing for strong economic reasons for a long time and with the current climate of global uncertainty, it is more important than ever that we make the most of the opportunities for growth that manufacturing offers.
“Bringing manufacturing back to the UK – reshoring as it is known – is a sure fire way of driving growth and we are calling on the government to reaffirm its stated commitment to economic growth through targeted support for UK manufacturers.
Crowe attended Make UK and Dudley and his team encouraged attendees to take part in its annual Manufacturing Outlook Survey, which is produced annually in conjunction with CBM, the Confederation of British Metalforming.
Dudley added: “This survey seeks to throw light on both the day-to-day problems and the long term strategic decisions that manufacturing businesses are facing.
“We need to both understand and appreciates the challenges that UK manufacturing industry is facing so we can work out a long-term strategy to ensure maximum investment in the UK and reshoring wherever possible.
“President Trump’s avowed intent to impose trade tariffs in a widespread and disparate manner means that it has never ever been as important as it is today to maximise what we can make in the UK.
“Making products on our own doorstep also has far reaching implications for carbon footprint and climate change as localising the manufacture and distribution of key products is far more favourable to the end result we are seeking to achieve.”
Crowe’s Manufacturing Outlook Survey can be accessed here and further information is available from
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