Help prevent knife crime and support the walkers of the Sutton Park Methodist Circuit on their pilgrimage to Westminster
8th April 2019
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Knife Crime Kills; our walk for Justice.   If I may I would like to paint a picture. On the 14th April a big 4 wheel drive is going to rumble out of the circuit bearing a large metal cross made of knives.   It will be adorned with banners, pennants and the collective creative efforts of our knitters, paper folders, carpenters, welders and crafty souls. As the spectacle of colour heads off the local press will record the event and our message of peace, love and hope.   No doubt a couple of the politicians who are supporting us will be making sure they are in shot. More importantly we will be distributing message cards and small gifts to any people that have gathered.   Earlier that day a commissioning Palm Sunday service will have been held where all our walkers will be blessed. Then it will begin in earnest. As the lorry heads of to our first overnight stops, the walkers will trudge the first of the six 18ish mile sections of this epic pilgrimage. We'll be stopping in Nechells to collect more people.    Of course not every body will want to, or be able to, walk the whole thing. We'll have people who'll cover short sections, others who might wish to walk for several days - and one or two might want to attempt the whole 114 miles!    From then on it will be rinse and repeat and until we reach London. In each place en route we'll hand out gifts, we'll probably sleep on floors and no doubt get our pictures taken as we head off on the next stretch.    On the sixth day - when God saw that is was very good - we'll hold a service and protest outside Westminster Central Hall. Our message will simple and blunt. Knife Crime Kills, and that something can be done about it. We will be calling for better youth work, policing, and a campaign to encourage young people to stop carrying knives. Our communities will not be forgotten or ignored.    So that is the picture; and its no pipe dream. Enthusiastic souls have already stepped up to cover communications, media, admin, logistics and crafts. We even have a scarfordinator looking after all the knitting. Today I saw the skills of our creative team in action.   In a few short hours and with the support of a cream tea they produced so many great ideas. The Muslim Council of Britain has offered us support for the London leg, and we have letters and messages of support from politicians of various hues.    If you would like to see us off, or join us for a while contact  07794639382 or email




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