Negative thinking habits can start in childhood, occur after a setback in life or they can be inherited from someone close in our lives. Years of negative thinking habits can spiral into a crisis at some point.
A crisis often makes you reflect on your priorities. You come to the realisation that the flash car, big house, high-level position at work et al are not going to make you happy and give a sense of inner fulfillment. But what will help is having a healthy, strong, resilient physical body, plus friends and family for support.
Most importantly of all, having a healthy positive mindset will eventually heal you and unleash a positive transformation in your life.
But how do you break a negative thinking habit that is deeply ingrained?
Here is a process that will help inject positivity and ignite an upward spiral of good health, happiness and joy in your life:
Start a positive biography
Take one year of your life at a time, starting with your earliest memory. Make a list of everything positive from that time. Your interests, achievements and any kind actions you did for others or yourself. You can do this together with your family and friends, as they can remind you of things to add.
Now write a short life story, only focussing on the feel good and positive aspects of your life.
Add photos and images, videos and anything else that will reinforce those memories. Then talk about it with others and share it as much as you can. Go over your positive biography last thing just before you go to bed so it sinks deep into your psyche.
Keep adding to this as much as time permits.
This is also a great project to do with children, as it will help them to grow up with a strong sense of self and confidence.
Every day make a list of what you have and what has gone well with your friends and family instead of fearing the worst. It is no-good worrying about something which may never happen, but remember that what you have now is real. So be thankful for that.
Learn to give gratitude for the beauty around you as we are all connected with the same energy.
That beautiful sunrise or fragrant flower are a manifestation of the same force within you. It is an expression of your self-love. According to the law of attraction, the energy we vibrate out attracts more of the same, so when you get out of a negative state and move to a joyful state, you attract more happiness into your life. When you are feeling good, there is no resistance to the things you want to attract in your life.
Acknowledge every good aspect of your life as an expression of love and acceptance from yourself to yourself.
If you find it hard to let go of negativity in your life and want help in transforming to a life overflowing with positivity and success, then get in touch for your free 20-minute consultation.
You can find more guidance on this in my book – Stress to Success in 28 Days – A Unique Programme for Total Wellbeing available via my website or on Amazon.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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